Completed Projects
S.No Project Tile Year Location Client
16 Greenfield
Chilled Water piping installation, testing & Commissioning chiller plant room (Chiller -4set)
2010 Equinix (SG2) Wah Loon
17 Greenfield
Chilled Water Piping installation on External pipe rack from Chiller Plant to all buildings including Water, cell and Module Buildings. Main distribution pipe size is diameter 1100mm
2009 REC Techniques
18 Greenfield
New District Cooling Plant (Chiller 2000ton x 4) and underground piping (Dia900mm pipe, total 5000 meter) to 5 Building Customer Stations
2009 NUS FAB -5
19 Greenfield
Chilled Water, Hot water, steam, Process Drain and Compressed Air piping system
2009 Lonza II Techniques
20 Greenfield
Chilled Water, Hot water, Steam, Process Drain and Compressed Air Piping System
2009 Alcon Techniques
21 Greenfield
Chilled Water Piping installation, testing and commissioning for 2 Building in RWS including chilled water customer station and FCUs
2009 RWS Lead Management
22 Greenfield
Chilled Water Piping installation, testing and commissioning for Plant Room, main distribution piping and connection AHUs & FCUs
2009 Marina Sands Shinryo
23 Greenfield
Chilled Water Piping installation, testing and commissioning for new Chiller Plant Room (Chiller –2set), distribution piping and connection to AHUs & FCUs
2008 Abbott Nutritional Techniques